
Showing posts from September, 2016

Research on Sound

There are two types of sound: Diegetic Sound is sound which exists in the world of film. It is the sound used when the characters are talking and the noises made by objects and the wilder surroundings in the movie as well and sound effects which helps the audience keep in tact with their emotions Non-diegetic Sound is what the characters inside the film can't hear. These are sounds which have been added to the film to create a reaction with the audience or give them information. This can be done by given access to a characters voice through a voice over or certain sound effects. Sound can be enhanced so we can hear sounds at different levels will be balanced so that the most important sounds will be carefully balanced so it enhanced the telling of a story and mood of a scene. We have also just learnt about Foley sound , which is sound that is not in real life, and is created at the editing process as it is put over the film to emphasise emotion. As well as this the ab-sen

Mise En Scene

Mise en Scene describes the filmic reality created by filmmakers and translates 'what is placed in the frame' and everything put in the frame has been put there to help the audience feel emotive or help them understand the situation in the movie. Mise en Scene can be used by the furniture we see in the room, the subtle or dramatic make-up they are wearing, or the costumes the actors / actresses wear. Everything we see in film is constructed and nothing appears by chance in the filmic frame. Setting helps us understand where and when a film is set, and we have to convey when its set through a range of locations which gives the audience a impression of a paticular period in history. The Duchess This is a film with Keira Knightley set in the 18th century, she was portrayed as a wealthy wife to the king, and you could tell this from the extravagant clothing she was wearing and the lavish jewlerly she was wearing.  You could also see in the film, the contrast between the di

CINEMATOGRAPHY and What I have learnt...

Over the past couple of lessons we have been learning about cinematography which is camera work. I've learnt that different styles of filming have developed since the technology has increased and we are able to mirror the things we actually see onto the camera. I've also learnt that the camera man uses different types of shots because they have different impacts on the viewer (emotion) There is two key elements to cinematography: - Framing of a shot (what we can see on screen) e.g. close shots & longshot (landscape) - Movement of the camera e.g. tilting the camera and zooming. As well as this, i now know that filming can be hard as the cinematographer has to decide how to present a certain piece of action towards a viewer and look at things from the viewers perspective and show how it tells a story. I will use different movements of the camera in my film opening as i think it will make it more dramatic, especially as Grace and I have decided to switch to a romantic cri

Preliminary Task

This is my final video which i filmed and edited for my preliminary task, as you can see i used a simple conversation which i knew would be easy for the actors to follow.

Storyboard for Preliminary Task

This is my storyboard which i used for my preliminary task. I found that by creating a storyboard this made the task slightly easier because you knew exactly which angles to film from and what you wanted your actors to do and say.

Finishing my Preliminary Task

Today i completely finished filming and editing my preliminary task. I have managed to include all the shots i needed (Match-on-Action, shot-reverse-shot and 180-degree rule), next lesson i will be able to upload my preliminary task to blogger and I'm looking forward to seeing the end result!

Camera Techniques

180 degree rule two characters in the same scene should keep the same left/right relationship to one another. When the camera passes over a invisible line connecting the two characters it becomes a reverse shot, because the camera will be viewing things in reverse to what it should be. Match-on-Action This is where the editor cuts from one shot to another view which matches the first shots action Shot Reverse Shot This is a technique where one character is shown looking at another character and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character.

Mood Board

I created a mood board of romantic comedies: i created this mood board, so i could visualise the different types of rom-coms and see what you have to include in the rom-com genre. if i was to base my project on romance, i would definitely try to add a comical aspect, and would use the ambience and settings from different movies to influence my own. I will also probably do a mood board for another genre (possibly sci-fi/thriller) to see how different the genres are and to see which genre i prefer.

Freaky Friday - Film Review

Freaky Friday is a comedy for the family which is about a mother and daughter who do not get along, they end up having a argument whilst out for dinner one night and happen to switch bodies for one day. They cant find a way to switch back so they have to adapt to each-others lifestyle until they can find a solution which also helps them begin to understand one another and form a better and stronger relationship. This is one of my all-time favourite films as it is so enjoyable for everyone in the family. Almost every scene contains a moment of laughter or a something that you can relate too which makes aspects of this film so relatable.