Research on Sound

There are two types of sound: Diegetic Sound is sound which exists in the world of film. It is the sound used when the characters are talking and the noises made by objects and the wilder surroundings in the movie as well and sound effects which helps the audience keep in tact with their emotions Non-diegetic Sound is what the characters inside the film can't hear. These are sounds which have been added to the film to create a reaction with the audience or give them information. This can be done by given access to a characters voice through a voice over or certain sound effects. Sound can be enhanced so we can hear sounds at different levels will be balanced so that the most important sounds will be carefully balanced so it enhanced the telling of a story and mood of a scene. We have also just learnt about Foley sound , which is sound that is not in real life, and is created at the editing process as it is put over the film to emphasise emotion. As well as this the ab-sen...